Being on the road with a Bulli creates a unique sense of life: letting go, being free, breathing - simply being yourself, breaking out of everyday life, being connected with nature, feeling the lightness of just being.
What does this have to do with getting married? Quite a lot, we think!
Because we want you to feel free, wild and wonderful on your wedding day as well. Preferably without conventions and constraints, with plenty of scope for your individual wedding planning and, above all, with a large portion of adventure right at the start of your marriage.
That's why we have developed a few exciting packages in cooperation with
AHOI Bullis, we’re bringing plenty of wedding horsepower to the road:
Whether shuttle service in the iconic VW T1, a great picture moment with the VW T2 as a photo van, additional overnight accommodation opportunities at your wedding location in the rolling 5-star hotel with the VW T6 or the great adventure of a complete van wedding in the great outdoors.
We believe this type of wedding is truly unmatched:
With Bullis you are immersed in nature. The freedom of wide open spaces around you, yet staying close together. Unbound and flexible - even across state lines.
In a nutshell: Free, wild and wonderful!
So say yes to each other. And to the Bulli Wedding.
And so the adventure begins...
Allen die erst noch den Grundstein auf dem Weg zu ihrer Hochzeit legen wollen, geben wir die Glücklichmacher auf vier Rädern von AHOI Bullis und die passenden Antrags-Werkzeuge von uns als Support an die Hand.
Cool, modern und trotzdem romantisch: Der Bulli-Heiratsantrag. Mitten in der Natur...im Wald, auf dem Feld, am Strand – nur ihr Zwei. Und natürlich der Antrag.
Neben dem Bulli sorgen wir für all die Dinge, die die Frage aller Fragen zu etwas ganz Besonderem machen.
Nicht cheesy, sondern lässig. Nicht kitschig, sondern zeitgemäß. Und vor allem entspannt, denn Aufregung bringt ihr sicher schon genug mit.
Do it yourself!
Cool, modern and yet romantic: the van marriage proposal. In the middle of nature ... In the forest, in the field, on the beach - just the two of you. And of course the proposal.
Together with the love mobile from AHOI Bullis, you can book a decoration box put together by us for your marriage proposaland quickly and easily create a great proposal setting yourself on site as a DIY version.
Chillax and marry on!
Getting married in a van? Not quite, but almost!
Are you big VW Bulli fans and don't want to do without the cult car on your big day? Whether T1, T2 or T6, together with AHOI Bullis we offer you various options for integrating one or even several Bullis intoyour wedding!
In addition to the perfect place for the Bullis, ceremony and celebration at one of our partner locations, we take care of all the important points on the Weddingplanning-To-Do-List and not only accompany you on the way to your "Yes!"-word, but are also on site on your wedding day. Of course, you can also bring your own wedding location with you and we will check whether our 'The Bulli Wedding Bash' -concept can be implemented there and then take over the planning concept.
Free your mind. And your wedding!
Do you want your wedding celebration to be really wild and free? Surrounded by nature somewhere in the middle of nowhere? Without a fixed wedding location and far away from a prefabricated program?
Here you go - no problem at all with our 'The Bulli Wedding Bash'!
Together with AHOI Bullis, we organize the ultimate Bulli wedding for you in the meadow, in the forest or on a (nature-) campsite. Experience a super individual and very relaxed wedding day with your closest family and friends in the iconic VW vintage Bullis and thesuper comfortable VW T6 models. Some call it a micro wedding, we call it the most unique wedding trip in the world!