When conceiving, planning and designing an event, the aim is always to bring brands, occasions, people, ideas, products, ... to life. As authentic, tangible and approachable as possible.
But how do you achieve this goal with an intelligence that cannot draw on social, emotional and natural resources, but on the contrary uses, as the name suggests, artificially fed and processed information?
Of course, as a logical development of our digitalized world - although in Germany it sometimes feels like we are moving forward instead of backwards, but that's another topic... - and as responsible entrepreneurs, we believe that we must not make the mistake of ignoring such a great achievement, which it undoubtedly is, especially from a technical point of view.
But how do you create a healthy and value-adding approach to this topic without the constant fear that you run the risk of making your own vocation and achievements irreplaceable?
By clearly positioning yourself, or at least how we have positioned ourselves, and yes, by setting yourself apart - both internally and externally!
Of course, we are far from being able to call ourselves an AI-Pedia, but we have informed ourselves so intensively that we can come to this realization and attitude for ourselves in the context of our servicefields and the topic of “event planning meets artificial intelligence”. For all, we call them “hard” topics, such as fact-based matters that are fed by technical parameters such as algorithms anyway, we make use of AI support if necessary. For all, and in our field of activity these are the most “soft” topics, we rely on our natural, human and yes, also emotional intelligence.
In concrete terms, this means that we work with tools such as ChatGPT when we are simply gathering information, for example when writing a job advertisement or answering certain technical questions. For inspiration when writing purely descriptive texts, such as images, we sometimes also use the offerings from Designs.ai or Canva.
But anything that is highly customized and requires “soft” input, we don't give it out of our hands or our heads ;-)
In particular, our texts, whether for the website, social media or this blog, as well as everything that has to do with creative and/or visual processes, need our own and very individual input, which is nourished by many different, also empathic factors.
How do we perceive our surroundings? What inspires us? How do we connect the history of people, brands and events with the respective wishes, visions and often also “soft” goals such as conveying emotions?
Of course, we have also tried to generate an outcome equivalent to our results via the artificial vehicles, but to be honest, this is far removed from our claim to creative, inspiring, but always realistic work results.
Speaking of realism: for a while now, we have noticed that social networks, which are sometimes already dangerously far removed from reality, are flooded with images created using artificial intelligence. Preferably in combination with artificially generated texts and what is particularly nice (not!), also without sufficiently obvious labeling.
To build a bridge from these thought processes to the introductory question: as much as this achievement of technical progress fascinates us and occasionally helps us, it is both a curse and a blessing when it comes to the issues and concerns that concern us, especially with regard to its use, which has often not yet been sufficiently localized.
We feel that way! Do you too?
Sarah, Liv & the crew